Students from Xaloc Escola Tècnica visit the Robotics and Metal Fair.


The students of the second year of electrical and automatic installations had the exciting opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of innovation and technology in the recent visit to the Robotics and Metal Fair.

The event brought together a large number of companies from the world of technology and engineering, giving our students a first-hand view of the latest trends and developments in the industry.

During the visit, our students were able to interact with state-of-the-art robots, get up close and personal with the latest tools and machinery used in the metal industry and participate in practical demonstrations. This experience was not only educational but also inspiring as our future technicians had the opportunity to network with experienced professionals and leading companies in the field.

We pride ourselves on providing our students with enriching experiences that complement their classroom learning and prepare them for successful careers in the real world. We will continue to foster the spirit of innovation and knowledge at Xaloc Technical School, giving our students the tools they need to thrive in the technology industry.