Aigües de Barcelona excellence certification.


Obtaining the certification of excellence to contribute to the DUAL Professional Training at the Aigües de Barcelona entity.

The General Directorate of Programs and Projects has promoted the quality certification of professional training in dual alternation, which allows companies that participate in this educational modality to generate confidence and position themselves as socially responsible organizations in their involvement and commitment to quality employability.

Xaloc Technical School has always opted for this type of training contributing in this way to a remarkable flexibility of the curriculum, an optimal adaptation of the student in the work environment, a satisfactory learning of soft skills (soft skills) such as critical thinking, resilience, commitment, decision-making and digital transversality among others.

In the last promotions, Automation and Industrial Robotics and Mechatronics students have done DUAL practices in their facilities. Xaloc Technical School would like to thank them for their collaboration and congratulate them on obtaining this certification.