Visit to FANUC


Students from Xaloc Technical School explore the Future of Automation at FANUC.

During the visit, the students of the higher degree training cycle in Industrial Automation and Robotics are introduced to the world of automation, offering them a complete vision of innovation and emerging technologies in the field.

In the first session, students received a presentation on FANUC's history, its values, and its commitment to innovation in industrial automation.

The second part of the visit took the students to tour the FANUC facilities where they had the opportunity to explore the offices, warehouses and workshops, as well as learn first-hand about the new home automation technologies implemented to improve the efficiency and comfort of employees.

Finally, in the third part of the visit, a specialized monitor guided the group through a room full of robots and machines in full operation. The students received detailed explanations about the operation and practical applications of these technologies in various industrial sectors.

A great opportunity to become familiar with the latest innovations in the industrial automation and robotics sector and visualize how the theoretical concepts learned in the classroom are applied in a real industrial environment, preparing them for future careers in this dynamic and constantly evolving field.