Casal dels Àngels students visit Xaloc Technical School during their orientation week


They learned about training options in high-demand job fields.

On the occasion of the week dedicated to academic guidance, 4th ESO students from Casal dels Àngels School visited our facilities on March 8th to learn about the training option offered by Xaloc Technical School.

During the first part of the visit, the students attended a talk about the needs of the current job market. Technological advances, renewable energy, industrial process automation, electricity, and maintenance are sectors in which highly qualified and updated technicians are required, generating a high demand for jobs. After this, they visited the classrooms and workshops where the students of the center themselves explained to them the functioning of the machinery and equipment.

We want to thank Casal dels Àngels School visit and the given satisfaction shown by the students, we will surely repeat the experience.