Incinerator visit


Students from Xaloc Technical School Explore Sustainable Waste Management at the Maresme Consortium

The students of the first year of the higher degree training cycle of Maintenance of Thermal and Fluid Installations, together with the colleagues of the second year of the Electromechanical Maintenance cycle, had the opportunity to visit the plant of the Consortium for the Treatment of Urban Solid Waste of the Maresme.

During this educational field trip, the students were able to enter the automated facilities that are used to carry out the selection and processing of waste. The students witnessed first hand how waste is managed efficiently and sustainably.

In addition to learning about the internal workings of the plant, the students also learned about the energy utilization that can be obtained from proper waste management. This experience gave them a practical perspective on the importance of sustainable waste management in preserving the environment and promoting renewable energy.

During the visit, the importance of encouraging sorting and recycling practices at home was emphasized as a fundamental part of a sustainable lifestyle. Students were encouraged to take this knowledge to the communities and promote responsible waste management habits among their family and friends.

At Xaloc Escola Tècnica we are proud to offer our students enriching educational experiences that go beyond the classroom and prepare them to become citizens committed to caring for the environment and sustainable development.